Have you seen the commercials for the Topsy Turvy? We came across them several times over the last few months and finally succumbed to the curiosity.
We bought two, one for tomatoes and one for strawberries.
They're pretty simple to use, but don't make the same mistake as we did...they don't come with soil or the plants, just the planter itself.
Once we recovered from that bit of disappointment it was full speed ahead.
There are definitely good points and bad points about the turvy.
Let's start with the downsides, which for me, add up to only one. You have to water this sucker every single day, and since we are in the Valley, on super hot days, maybe twice. Also, because it is hanging from a beam outside, I have to climb up on a chair to water it. But other than that, that's really it.
The pluses are: if you live in an apartment or house with limited space you could totally use these. There are also zero bugs to deal with. Also, having grown tomatoes the regular, from the ground up way, I think these look prettier.
Then there is the number one reason I like these things... at last count there was close to 30 tomatoes growing on it. It's exploding.But the real test? How does it taste. Here's a snap of our first born.
She was one tasty tomater.
The strawberries are still just in the flowering stage so the jury is still out on that one.
LOL nice
Posted by: [email protected] | July 14, 2010 at 03:10 PM
These are such a good idea. We are just growing our first tomatoes and I wish I had done this instead, they must look fantastic as part of the backyard.
Posted by: Domestic Goddess | October 10, 2010 at 03:29 AM